but maybe you just haven’t realized it yet.

Welcome to the renaissance of creativity: where Human Design meets artistry in a never-before-seen way.

Let’s establish that there’s no such thing as a coincidence. You landed here for a reason. And trust me, I mean this with my whole heart. How could it be by mere chance that all your past actions, every butterfly you effected, and every right turn when it should have been left would just lead you here by “chance?” No such thing! So now that the Universe brought us together… Let’s talk about the epic journey you’ve been on:

Cycles of creative breakthroughs. Committing to your vision and showing up to do the work. Not letting the setbacks define you. Going through moments of seeking external validation or feeling disconnected from channeling your unique voice. Looking to the outside for the “secrets to success.” And through it all knowing that your Soul is capable of so much more — of so much different.

Creatives know this desire like the back of their hand: To see your passion and hard work create flow, fulfillment, and alignment.

Visualize a world where your creativity flows effortlessly, where each project feels like an authentic expression of your inner self. Where you’re able to access a wellspring of inspiration that's uniquely yours. You’ve leaned into your definition of consistency. You’ve magnetized community and opportunities you previously only dreamed of.

Say goodbye to creative blocks and hello to a life where your work is not just seen but felt deeply by others. Your Creative Genius begins here – aligned, inspired, and irreplaceably you.

Elevate Your Craft, Embrace Your Genius: The Renaissance of Creativity is here.

What makes a creative or entrepreneur successful?

Seth Godin, a renowned author and marketing expert, explains that the nature of what makes ideas spread is when something is remarkable: When something is worth talking about. When a friend sends you a video or when your coworker can’t wait to share the best brand of shampoo they’ve ever tried — they are making a remark about something that they liked enough to share with you.

Remarkable comes from doing something different. It comes from the energetic signature of AUTHENTICITY and uniqueness. It’s the audible “oooh” that comes from within after reading something written from the soul that stopped caring what others think.

That’s what makes your creation worth spreading. Worth buying. Worth talking about. Worth sharing. And most importantly, what makes your creation process become truly fulfilling once you’ve prioritized doing things in your different way.

In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.
— Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable


(aka truly me)

by mastering your unique:


Harmonize with your energy type to foster boundless creativity and establish routines that energize your work and artistic flow.


Amplify your inherent gifts and talents, making your creative expression unparalleled and authentic.


Adapt your creative process to your Design, ensuring seamless integration between your natural inclinations and your output.


You spend so much time outsourcing your how-to. You look to every other successful person in their field to define what “works.” In this process, you ignore the fundamental truth which is:

You have every answer within you, and not just in a trite “figure it out yourself type of way,” but in a — you’ve literally been divinely designed to have your own way of doing things type of way.

You’re here because your creative genius is ready to shine. You’re seeking the kind of creative fulfillment marked by flow, ease, inspiration, and no-more-algorithm smooching!

Through the experience of comparison, burnout, feeling bad about being inconsistent, and feeling like you’re just not getting it, you’ve now arrived at a very important place:

Ready to embrace your creative genius and write your own rules.

Rules that feel good to follow and even better to break when you no longer need them.

Creative Genius isn't just about refining your skills; it's about redefining your relationship with creativity.

Meet the Creative Genius:

A powerful soul who…

Masters their energy, aligning with their natural workflow.

Summons inspiration on demand, shaping ideas into reality.

Communicates with authenticity, making every word resonate.

Attracts their tribe, creating community through connection.

Transcends comparison, rewiring for confidence and uniqueness.

Transforms vision into impact, making the unseen seen.

Navigates challenges with creative resilience, emerging inspired.


transformative education x human design mastery x creative guidance x group accountability

Harness your unique energy type to boost creativity, streamline your daily routines, and enhance your work's impact. Experience how aligning with your Human Design fosters a state of ease and boosts practical, everyday creativity.

Dive deep into the mechanics of your Human Design to master your personal creative process, understanding the science and spiritual underpinnings that make your artistry truly yours. This knowledge allows you to craft a unique expression that resonates on a soul level with your audience.

Gain confidence in your inherent talents and abilities, guiding you to express your creativity authentically and powerfully. Learn how your Human Design can illuminate your path to becoming an irreplaceable voice in your field.

Integrate your understanding of Human Design to enhance your offerings as a creative, artist, or entrepreneur. Transform your projects and services by embedding your unique energetic signature, ensuring they stand out and speak directly to the hearts and minds of your community.


a 6 week group experience fusing Human Design education and intuitive coaching with community support and accountability

3x 90-min Masterclasses

Human Design

3 comprehensive, interactive lectures teaching you how to align your Design with your creativity and work. From energy to ideation, execution, collaboration, and creating opportunities — learn how each element of your chart indicates an aligned strategy.

3x Integration Sessions

Coaching & Guidance

Lean on Bella’s expertise and guidance as you master your design and integrate lessons. Sessions will feature hot seat coaching, creative guidance, and breathwork & meditation sessions to strengthen intuition and tap into inner wisdom.

Community Support

Accountability & Connection

Tap into your fellow creatives and entrepreneurs as you exchange experiences, inspire each other, and stay tapped into a group of high vibrational souls week after week, walking their unique path and reminding you of your power.


My name is Bella and I’m an ever-curious, walking exclamation point heaven-bent on embodying wisdom, enjoying my life, and teaching others the profound spiritual lessons that have changed me forever. I’m a Generator 1/4 (aka The Omniscient Teacher) that loves to deepen my knowledge and share it with others — so you can see how this program is my mothaflippin JAM!

I’ve been a creative soul since I landed Earth-side, following my instincts and intuition toward the Awakening that brought me back to myself and the Truth: All is one and I have been divinely crafted by a beautiful Universal Life Force that is always conspiring in my favor. Yeehaw!! Those are some powerful words and I am here to live by them as best I can.

I write, speak, teach, and mentor to expand fellow Souls on the path to being who they truly are, tapping into their innate wisdom, and HAVING FUN WHILE THEY DO IT.

Throughout this program you can count on me to hype you up, support your transformation, translate potent teachings into tangible takeaways, and to root for you every step of the way. Together we’re going to create a true creative renaissance: a group of creatives and entrepreneurs doing things their own way, breaking all the damn rules, and blazing a never-before-seen path to mastery, success, and fulfillment.



Save your seat and let’s do this, CREATIVE GENIUS!!

More Details:

For people with 1’s in their profiles ;)


  • Enrollment closes 3/25

  • Program starts Friday 3/29

  • Friday’s @ 12pm CST (recordings sent by EOD)


  • Human Design mastery

  • Creative alignment

  • Spiritual expansion

  • Inner transformation

  • Becoming your own guru


  • Weekly education, coaching, support, and accountability

3x 90-min Masterclasses*

March 29, 2024: Foundations of Human Design for Creatives

April 5, 2024: The 9 Energy Centers & Your Creative Process

April 12, 2024: Personality Profile & Flow States

3x Group Coaching & Integration Sessions*

April 19, 2024: Integrating Energy Type & Strategy

April 26, 2024: Activating Your Energy Centers for Optimal Creativity

May 3, 2024: Authenticity & Decision-Making in Your Creative Journey


  • Live Weekly Sessions on Zoom

  • Community chat and support M-F


  • Because you are unstoppable when you do things your way

  • Your soul is ready to up-level its craft and purpose

  • Aligned opportunities are dancing around your aura and waiting to be snatched

  • You deserve to feel like a confident, bad ass, awe-inspiring CREATIVE GENIUS

* Curriculum and coaching will be customized to the groups progress, needs, and interests and is subject to change *

Creative Genius
One time
For 3 months

✓ 3x LIVE Masterclasses
✓ 3x LIVE Integration Sessions
✓ Creative Breathwork & Meditation
✓ Access to recordings of all LIVE classes

Choose your plan


1:1 support

Super Creative Genius


Group Experience

+ 2x 1:1 Sessions

+ Custom Digital Reading

$1231 value

limited availability

see here for payment plan