Time for a Creative Awakening

Ignite Your Creativity: A Dual-Part Workshop Experience

Get Ready:

We are going to remember our limitless creative potential. We are going to transmute anything that holds us back from expressing our life force in its fullest form.

Through Human Design and the activating power of breathwork, you will walk away shifted, inspired, and f*cking ready to create in alignment with your SOUL.

Creative Catalyst:

a 2-part activating workshop

Summon Your Creative Life Force with Human Design and an Activating Breathwork Practice synced to the powerful vibrations of Rufus Du Sol, Shouse, and Ben Bohmer.


Part 1: Foundations of Human Design (35 minutes)

In the first 35 minutes of our workshop, delve into the mysteries of your energetic self through the lens of Human Design, where authenticity is the key to unlocking your creative potential. This segment provides a gateway to understanding how the dynamics of channels and gates influence your personal expression. You'll receive a beginner's insight into the gifts and channels that make you uniquely you, alongside an explanation of energy types and the pivotal role of Human Design circuitry. The culmination of this part is a compelling session on how to let your creative life force flow unhindered, moving seamlessly from inspiration, through ideation, to tangible creation.

You Will:

  • Understand your energy on both a mechanical and spiritual level

  • Gain deeper awareness about your energetic body

  • Embody your natural state to create optimal flow states

  • Uncover the way your unique circuitry works through your Human Design bodygraph

  • Feel motivated to ACT on your visions and CREATE with authenticity

Part 2: Activating Breath & Sound Journey (25 minutes)

Transition into a 25-minute journey that blends activating breathwork with a captivating sound voyage, designed to stir your soul's creative spirit. This part of the workshop features a curated selection of tracks from artists such as Rufus Du Sol, Shouse, and Ben Bohmer, providing a backdrop for a deeply transformative breath and sound experience. Allow the power of breath coupled with the resonance of music to unlock new dimensions of creativity, energizing your creative drive and enabling a fuller expression of your artistic vision.

You Will:

  • Journey into a deeply intuitive state through several pranayama breathwork practices

  • Be guided to meet your highest Self, receive powerful messages, and find clarity from within

  • Experience high levels of HYPE and VITALITY

  • Feel unstoppable and like literally anything is f*cking possible!!!

You already have within you the power and life force to create. To express freely. To embody the highest version of you. Let’s ignite it. Let’s shift our energy into one of unstoppable, magnetic, and uninhibited vibration.

Grab The Workshop.

Sign up for Creative Catalyst below. This will give you access to the course portal where the replay + PDF is available.

Creative Catalyst
One time

Summon Your Creative Life Force with Human Design and an Activating Breathwork Practice synced to the powerful vibrations of Rufus Du Sol, Shouse, and Ben Bohmer. This is a 2-part experience including lesson on energy centers, undefined vs defined centers, creating optimal states for creativity followed by an activating breath and sound journey.

✓ Lifetime replay access
✓ Energy centers workshop
✓ Guided creativity and energy meditation